District Goals
District Goals
Student Achievement/ Educational Programming
- Our school district will begin the implementation of our school district's Future Ready Comprehensive plan that began on July 1, 2024 and will run through June 30, 2027. Within our comprehensive plan, the following areas will be addressed to allow us to continue to enhance the student achievement performance within our school district.
• Curriculum/Instruction/ Assessments - continuous review and analysis of curriculum, programs, and assessments.
• Safe and Supportive resources for students - continuation of safety net programs to support students in addition to their academics (ex: school-wide positive behavioral programs, bullying prevention, counseling, and school safety)
• Professional Development - Continued focus on grades 3-8 math instrnction
• New Teacher Induction - begin the implementation of the new 2 year program
Safety and Security
- Apply for and if awarded, meet all of requirements within PCCD's School Safety and Mental Health grant for 2024-2025. Focus of the grant will be to transition from improving the safety of exterior doors to enhancing the safety of the interior doors within our school buildings.
Facility and Grounds
- If awarded Pennsylvania's School Facility Improvement Grant, our school district will begin the planning process to replace the school district's heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HV AC) system. If our school district is not awarded these funds, our school district will begin to update our application and have it ready for the next round of grant funding.
Superintendent Goals
- The Superintendent will provide leadership to the implementation of the district goals stated above.
The Superintendent will provide guidance and recommendations for the following administrative staffing model and positions. Food Service, Business Office, PIMS, and Athletics/Transportation.