Curriculum & Instruction
Coursework Requirements
Students are urged to make the best use of their time by enrolling in courses at appropriate levels of difficulty that will offer them a challenging program of studies throughout their four years. This generally means that students should earn more than the minimum number of credits required for graduation. A total of 24 HS credits and meet one of the graduation pathways found on pages 10-11 will receive a diploma from Blue Ridge School District. All students are required to take a full schedule of credits each year.
NOTE: These graduation requirements are governed by Blue Ridge School Board Policy #217 and Chapter 4 of the PA School Code.
English 9 ........................................1.0 credit
English 10 ......................................1.0 credit
English 11/AP................................ 1.0 credit
English 12/AP................................ 1.0 credit
American Studies I (grade 9)..... 1.0 credit
American Studies II (grade 10)... 1.0 credit
U.S. Government (grade 11)... 1.0 credit
Global/Econ (grade 12)... 1.0 credit
Mathematics Courses ....................4.0 credits including Algebra I
Science Courses ........................... 4.0 credits **Including Biology
Four Years/Courses PE Minimum plus one year of Health.
PE 9.........................................0.33 credits
PE 10...................................... 0.33 credits
PE 11...................................... 0.33 credits
PE 12...................................... 0.33 credits
HS Health ……….................. 0.33 credits
Elective Credit............................... 8 credits total
*Courses at the Career Center (CTC) and COOP may be substituted for elective requirements.
In addition to the credit requirements above, BRSD requires that seniors, as a condition of graduation, complete a culminating Senior Project. The procedures relating to this requirement are introduced in detail to students beginning freshman year and components are accomplished during the student’s High School career. They include career exploration, job shadow and job shadow packet, resume development and the senior interview.
All students must have at a minimum “hands only” CPR/AED training.
TOTAL MINIMUM CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION ....................................... 24.0 credits
BRHS Graduation Requirements
The Board of Education requires that each candidate for graduation shall have earned twenty-four (24)
Graduation Requirements Beginning in 2018‐19:
Proficiency on the Algebra, English Language Arts and Biology Keystone Exams or Advanced Placement
Exam or International Baccalaureate Exam that includes academic content comparable to the
appropriate Keystone Exam or completion of local assessments aligned with the academic standards
which include:
∙ Meet all Blue Ridge local requirements including attendance, passing required courses,
earning 24 or more HS credits and all other provisions in BRSD Policy #217
∙ Satisfy at least one of the 4 options listed below:
Pass the Keystone Exams or Meet Composite Score Requirement
Student achieves a passing score on the Alg I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams or scores at least
Basic on all three exams and the scores add up to a composite of 4476.
Option 2
Pass an Alternate Exam (SAT, PSAT, ACT, AP and/or IB) in the Keystone Subject Area Student meets an
identified cut score on the assessments listed in place of the Keystone they did not pass.
Option 3
CTE Concentrators
CTE Concentrator who demonstrates competency through Keystone performance or grades in
Keystone subject matter courses, can meet the additional evidence requirements under Option 3 by:
Meeting the NOCTI/NIMS Skills or Competency Certificate (if possible), attaining a high value
industry credential OR providing evidence reflecting proficiency on required benchmark
assessments within their CTE program of study (POS); or
Providing at least three pieces of evidence that reflect readiness for meaningful postsecondary
preparation consistent with a student's goals and career plan. This is accomplished through the
development of a Career Portfolio aligned with the student’s course of study. Evidence may
include job shadow reflections, industry related certifications, resumes, career exploration
artifacts, internships, etc. The student’s
guidance counselor can assist in guiding each student in selecting appropriate evidence
Option 4:
Additional Evidence for All Students
To meet the graduation requirements under Option 4, students must provide three rigorous and
compelling pieces of evidence that reflect readiness for meaningful postsecondary preparation consistent
with a student's goals and career plan as represented in the student’s Career Plan and Portfolio. Examples
of evidence that demonstrate the required rigor could include:
Earning a passing grade in a dual enrollment course;
Performance on the ASVAB adequate for enlistment; Guaranteed full-time employment letter;
Attainment of a high value industry credential;
Attainment of workforce readiness certificate;
Certificate of successful completion of an internship program related to career goals;
Performance on PA Career Academic Work Standards assessment; or
Performance on an SAT or ACT subject specific test.
This represents only an illustrative list; appropriate and reasonable evidence for a given student will vary
depending on the specific goals, activities and courses delineated in a student’s career plan and
Seniors must successfully complete the graduation project
Advanced Placement
What is the benefit of AP?
The greatest benefit of AP is the experience of taking academic courses in an enriched environment with classmates who, are seeking intellectual challenge, are motivated to learn, and are committed to excellence. The courses offer students opportunities to delve more deeply into content, research in a scholarly fashion, and learn in a college-like inquiry based manner. AP: Most four-year colleges in the United States and colleges in more than 60 other countries give students credit, advanced placement or both on the basis of AP Exam scores. By entering college with AP credits, students will have the time to move into upper level courses, pursue a double-major or study abroad. Students must take the AP exam in order to be eligible for college credit. More information on the Advanced Placement Program can be obtained from the school counseling office or by visiting the College Board Website
This program offers courses which are designed to provide highly qualified students with the skills,
knowledge, and background necessary to compete for Advanced Placement credit and acceptance into
highly competitive post-secondary institutions. Currently, Advanced Placement level courses could be
offered in Biology, Physics I, Calculus AB, Statistics, English Literature & Composition, English Language
and Composition, US Government & Politics, U.S. History, and Macroeconomics. Students may also
participate in the Honors Program with courses offered in English, Math, Social Studies, and AP English
Language and Composition.
These courses will only be offered if there is sufficient enrollment and teacher availability.
Honors/AP Eligibility
-Students must have a B or better at mid-year in the current related course. This can be re-evaluated at the
end of the year per teacher discretion.
-Must score proficient or advanced on the Keystone Exam related to the desired honors/AP course
-Must be recommended by the current teacher of the related course