- Athletics
- Elementary School
- High School
- Middle School
- Non-Instructional
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in our District.
Below, you will find all of the necessary information, clearances, and applications needed to become a volunteer at Blue Ridge School District.
BRSD Volunteer Application Form
School Personnel Health Record (TB Test)
Exemption from FBI Criminal History Clearance
FAQ for Mandated Reporter/Child Abuse Training
Arrest/Conviction Report Certification
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
PSP Criminal History Record Check
If you have any questions, please contact:
Danelle Decker - Classroom Volunteer or Chaperone for Elementary
Email: deckerda@brsd.org
Extension 616
Casey Webster - Classroom Volunteer or Chaperone for MS/HS
Email: websterc@brsd.org
Extension 627
Brock Gumaer - Athletic Volunteer
Email: gumaerb@brsd.org
Extension 640
- Volunteers